The problem is not just the chronic rudeness of keeping other people waiting for me, as bad as that is, or having to crawl in front of six sets of knees five minutes into the main feature. The real cost is that I fret the whole way to whatever it is I'm late for (living in the future) and then feel badly about it once I actually arrive (living in the past). In all that flurry, where is the present?
It makes me a tad melancholy to reflect on how much of the beauty, education, rest and/or joy I've missed in the journey "in between" the events that mark my life.
At the half-way place--now there's some optimism for you!--I'm very clear that the journey IS the event. If I'm not present in the spaces in between, I'm missing a huge chunk of my own life. And life right now, in full health, well employed with an interesting job and great people, with more friends than I know what to do with… Life is good!
Here's how I've explained the math to myself: from now on, if I can be five minutes early for the "events," then I figure I'll not only really be here for all the years left, but I may even win back a few I've dropped along the way. Or at least, it will feel that way.
What have you talked to yourself about lately? I'd love to know.