- I had recently read a fun posting on a friend's blog where he comments on a news article about a virtual church. In the blog, he plays with a variety of possible acronyms that could be used for the virtual pastor of this virtual church, starting with Preacher EGHEAD (electronically generated, humanly engineered, adjustable device). In a follow-up posting, he mentions other possibilities: Post Mortal Shepherd (PMS), or maybe Automated Simulated Shepherd (first name, "Jack"). My favorite? Simulated Thing that Undermines People’s Intrinsic Design + Automated Preaching Entity (STUPID APE).
- I work in the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) industry. Sitting in a meeting with the technical dudes at the office is the conversational equivalent of text messaging between two 12-year old girls: "At ICCAD, should our COO talk about our LCC and CAA tools? Or should he focus on RETs, like OPC and PSM?" omg*... k.w.e.
- It made me remember that I love to use self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.

*That's "goodness" in my lexicon.
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