Friday, July 27, 2007

The Secret To Happiness

I had the good fortune last night to dine with a young sage. He mentioned that he had recently read that a previously frazzled corporate drone had discovered (and evidently published, bless her heart) the secret to happiness. Ready? Create a bedtime ritual where you recall the three best things that happened that day. So far, it sounded a little like, "... and thank you God, that when Billy threw up at recess, he missed me and got Rich Mean Molly right on her fancy-schmancy new shoes...."

But according to The Secret, the real trick is that after you recall one of the top three happy moments, you ask "... and why did it happen?" Apparently, this simple daily tracking, done with consistency and sincerity, begins to train a person to identify and then--here's the secret sauce--unconsciously begin to seek out/attract those patterns, people, choices, and situations in life that contribute to one's moments of happiness. This made immediate sense to me, since it so clearly tracks the same set of rails as "... fixing our eyes firmly on the joy set before us..." and "Watch where you're lookin'!" Frazzled Corporate Drone reports that she now regularly and easily recalls up to 20 "best things" every night.

So on the theory that happiness works like money, ("How much is enough? Just a little bit more.") I thought I'd give it a spin and report back from time to time on how the experiment is going. My list of "The Three Best Things and Why" from last night:

1. After having mentally committing to changing my behavior of often allowing myself to be just a tiny bit late, I made it to my 9:30 meeting two minutes early. Why did this happen? 1) I decided to be on time, and 2) I didn't make my bed.

2. Not one but two kind souls sent me comments with words of encouragement on this very blog. Why? In part because I have started and stuck with writing it, but more importantly, I am blessed with a ridiculous abundance of thoughtful people in my life.

3. I had a delightful dinner with a wonderful young sage. Why? Because it was his birthday and I am his mom. Wait! That's FOUR best things! See?! It's working already!

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