Monday, July 16, 2007

So far, so good... Jesus, run, work, AND blog!

Bear with me: this self-congratulatory "Hey Mom! Watch me! Watch me blog!!" phase will pass quickly. It was the same way with motherhood, scuba-diving, running, tap dancing in a sequined top-hat, quitting smoking and so on. Pathetic, really, how easily impressed I am with myself when I learn or do something new.

So, the question of the day, posed out loud by someone at work (okay, me): "If I refrain from snagging an image from an online source that I REALLY, REALLY need to use in a presentation I'm working on for a senior executive, and then I find the exact same image on some scummy blogger's site who obviously swiped it off the legitimate source without credit (or permission, no doubt, but at an impressively high resolution) and I snag it off THAT source, is that okay or does it just make me a bigger scum-bag than the first one?

No one said the ethics of the new millennium would be easy. FYI: I didn't.

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